Thursday, March 7, 2013

At Sea in the Atlantic

Day 60

The water has changed from chocolate color to sea green as we are now in the Atlantic and heading up the NE coast of Brazil. We are far enough offshore there is no land in sight with noting in view but the sea and sky. The seas are from out starboard quarter and the ship is pitching slightly and sometimes takes a slight roll. Whitecaps are plentiful enough to make my whale watch more difficult.

Noon report: 03° 15.56'N and 049° 41.93'W, Speed 11 ½ knots. Course 331. Wind NE 28 knots (force 7), Depth 60 meters. Sea state 2. Sunrise 0627, sunset 1832. Distance covered: 15,612 nautical miles.
Noon to noon run 330 nm. Rain in afternoon.

Formal night tonight followed by the Masque Ball. Ze dinner was weeth ze French theme, non? 8 days left and I can smell the barn. For the ship and crew the return to Ft. Lauderdale will be a turn around day before heading to the Med.

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