Friday, March 8, 2013

At Sea

Day 62; 8 March
At Sea

A fine day at sea and nothing in sight other than sea and sky. We have begun packing for our return so the last day will not be so busy.

Lunch today was a special occasion in the Pinnacle, featuring Indonesian cuisine.

The position report is as of 1330 hours, as at noon I was slurping soto ayam.

09° 27.63'N by 056° 16.17'W. Course 320°. Speed 17.6k. Wind NE 15 (force 4). Depth 3,420meters.
Water temp 28C/82F. Air temp 25C/77F. Sunrise 0655. Sunset 1856. The Guiana current is giving us a push at 1.4 knots. 
The coming days will run into one another as the Grand Voyage now becomes a Caribbean cruise with port after port after port. This is nothing new, but is like going to town to go shopping because you have nothing else to do.

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