Saturday, March 16, 2013

At Sea

Day 66; 12 March

It is quiet which may be due to yesterday's sail away party as well as this being the time to pack for the end of the voyage.

 All  morning we sailed past the Dominican Republic and later Haiti. Blue sky, blue seas, warm temperature and very little motion makes this an ideal day.

 This is the last formal night of the voyage so we had a steak dinner in the Pinnacle and took in a show after.

Noon report: Position 19 degrees 55.52'N and 070 degrees 24.18'W. Course 287. Speed 16 knots. Humidity 75%. Sunrise (I missed that) Sunset 1850. Depth 1270 meters. Water temp 28C/82F. Air temp 24C/75F. Wind E 16knots. Sea state 4. Distance covered: 17,286 nautical miles. Noon to noon run of 349 nm. 

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