Friday, March 22, 2013

The Voyage Ends

Day 68   14 March
Port Everglades, Fla. USA

 The ship was secured at about 0700 and immediately the turn around began.  Our bags had been picked up last night and whisked away so all we had to do was have breakfast, make last farewells and wait to be called to leave the ship. That call came at 0915. No bands, no ceremony, just get off the ship.

 Customs and immigration went smoothly with little waiting. This is very different from the fiasco we encountered in 2011 after the world voyage when most passengers were herded into the warehouse, made to wait for an hour + without adequate seating, then to be examined by an untrained official.

 We found our ground transportation (FedEx for our bags, bus and taxi for us) and began the journey home.

The voyage covered 18,000 nautical miles according to the television map upon arrival. We visited 15 countries or protectorates in 68 days, not including the US.

 It is unfortunate the ship underwent an immediate turn around as much maintenance was needed.

Note: To enlarge photos, click on the photo.  To follow events from the beginning, use the calendar on the right and begin in January.

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