Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 5 San Blas Islands, Panama; Carti Island

A night of moderate pitching, meaning the ship was rising and falling front to back. It makes for nice sleeping. This morning was hazy and humid, temp about 80. We sat on our deck and watched sea birds feeding alongside the ship, darting among the waves and plunging into the water for their breakfast. The swells were 15'. Just before noon we entered the San Blas Islands. Once inside the reefs and islands broke the swells. The islands are small and low, covered with palms. Sailboats anchored inside the reefs. The ship anchored at 1230 and we caught a tender to Carti island.

Narrow walkways wandered among the bamboo walls where the local women and children were out in force with their “Mola” (Kuna Indian fabric art), jewelery and needlework. Most were dressed in their traditional bright garb with headdresses and leg bands, a few were seen with pipe in mouth and most featured a black beauty stripe down their forehead and nose. Children hawked their drawings and paintings for $1. Photos with a local were $1. On the waterfront children splashed in the sea and dove for money tossed for them. Most of the locals we talked to seemed reserved which one may understand seeing their primitive and remote lifestyle and the fact that not many ships stop there. I wish I had taken advantage of their WI-fi because the ship's satellite internet and phone system is down.
After an hour of wandering we returned. The ship will remain at anchor until 9pm then will proceed to the canal. This will allow dining and movement in the peaceful waters inside the island chain for some swells are expected during the run down to the ditch. 

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