Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 9, Jan. 14. At Sea

A quiet morning and breakfast with friends. Outside and inside temperatures are cool so most are now wearing warmer clothes. Not the usual equatorial temperatures. Our heading takes us south along the westernmost tip of South America; Peru to be precise. Passing about 18nm off the coast we can see the mountains. Throughout the day there were reports of whale sightings. I spied one blow and back sighting. In addition I spotted four containers ships passing to landward of us Northbound. About 1pm, as I has missed the noon numbers, our Noon to One run had been 212 nm for a total voyage of 2,488nm. Much of that time had been in port going nowhere. 

Tonight's dress code is formal and since my formal wear, two sport coats w/slacks, shoes and ties are supposedly en route by air to Callo, Peru, I will dress in my remaining sport coat. I look forward to my reunion with the big black bag.

Again we have an outage of the internet service and so the postings are irregular and email lags.

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