Thursday, February 28, 2013

At Sea and River Cruising

Day 53

We slipped out into the Atlantic last night, moved Northward then re-entered the delta in the North channel of the Rio Amazona. Crossing the 20 mile wide bar required the retraction of our stabilizers so we had a fine ride with plenty of rolling. In fact, during breakfast a particular roll caused trays of glasses and dished to crash to the deck and serving containers on the food line to require immediate attention by servers to prevent them from joining the plates and glasses. As we are going to proceed up the river we will not be making water for a few days so a water restriction is being applied, limiting laundry.
By noon land was visible on both sides. The water is murky and branches and floating vegetation is plentiful. The positon report shows we are back in the Northern latitudes. 00° 42.92'N , 050° 18.31W. Wind E 21 (6). Sea 2. Speed 17.3k, Course 200°. Sunrise 0630, sunset 1836. Temp air 30c 86F, (*at 1300 91F) temp water 28C 82F. Humidity 72%. Distance 13,814njm. Noon-noon 286nm.

The flood tide is helping us upriver. That will change. At 1540 we were off Macapa where we cleared back into Amazonia (having been briefly in the Atlantic), anchored and awaited our two Amazon Pilots who were flying in. They will each maintain 5 hour watches on the bridge to advise our navigation and bridge team. With their arrival about 1800 we headed up river and now against the river current.

A mystery theme dinner was held in the Pinnacle tonight which provided the best food and entertainment.

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