Monday, February 4, 2013

Drake Passage

Day 29 3 February
Drake Passage

Another sea day. We are running alongside the swells so the motion is very gentle.

About 1300 we crossed the Antarctic Convergence line and entered the waters of Antarctica. The water temperature immediately dropped from 46° (F) to 34° (F) and the air dropped to 45° (F). Fog came in and swells built. At 1530 we began to see large chunks of ice. (“Bergie Bits” according to our Captain.) We passed a large iceberg off our port side at a good distance and in the fog we couldn't see it. During dinner the fog rolled back and we saw many large chunks of ice and then a huge iceberg which we observed while finishing the main course. By bed time the temp was down to 34.

[Note: Posting updates may be sporadic the next couple of days as full attention will be paid to an antarctic experience.]

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