Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ilhabela, Brazil

Day 42

A thunderstorm last night provided brief entertainment with a magnificent light show accompanied by deep rumblings and a heavy rain. That was until the lightening cracked overhead and the accompanying boom sounded like we just hit a container ship loaded with explosives. When I found we were not being incinerated I was able to catch some more sleep.

At 0557 the ship was entering the channel between the island of Ilhabela and the mainland of Brazil. Oil platforms, a drilling ship and service boats were lit up. Petrobas has been busy. A large tanker pier is on the mainland side of the channel and many oil tanks are almost inconspicuous. Residential neighborhoods perch on the hillside and in the coves. On the island side the hills tower over everything and the town is set up on the upper west side. 83% of this island is reserve and a good portion accessible only by boat. When looking at it from the ship I am reminded somewhat of Tahiti, Bora Bora and other South Seas islands. This is the vacation spot of São Paulo and is also known as Ihla São Sebastião with the capitol being Vila São Sebastião, for those who want to look it up.
The town has many boutique shops and eating places, beautiful beach and esplanade. Swim, fish, rent boats and do all those vacation things right here. It isn’t shabby and it isn’t chic.

Our sightseeing took in the old church (Igreja ns da Ajuda) built to honor sailors and not cruise ship passengers. Then, if you can believe this, we visited a retired hydro-electric plant to eye the waterfall and marvel at the machinery. Next we found ourselves at Toca (waterfall) and watched kids slide down the smooth rocks into a pool and a few folks tried the rum made here.

Back to town and we walked the nifty shopping area eying Carmen Miranda busts, slurping ice cream cones and trying on shoes. I bought a suitcase sticker for 2 reales ($1.00US) and was happy with that. Back to the ship about 1315 as it was about 90° F. We sailed at 1800.

Noon report: 23° 46.19'S and 045° 21.86'W. Distance traveled 10,976 nm. Temp 32°C 90°F.

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