Saturday, February 23, 2013

At Sea off Brazil

Day 49

About 0800 we passed the horn of Brazil (Eastern most point of South America) and began to head NW. It is a sunny day with low seas, mild pitching and humidity of 72%. A restful day again which allowed my updating of postings and the distributing of photos of friends.

This is the coast of what was once New Holland, a Dutch colony between 1630 and 1654, after which it was ceded to Portugal. At this point we are only about 1,500 miles from Africa.

Days report: 06° 14.03'S and 034° 41.76'W. Speed 16.5k. Course 346°. Depth 5,000' . Distance covered of 12,500 nm. 258 nm noon to noon. 562 nm to next port. Sunrise 0522, sunset 1739. Sea State 3.
Destination: Fortaleza, Brazil tomorrow about 0800.

This was Formal Night again and perhaps the largest turnout this cruise. Men in tux or coat & tie, women in dress and an atmosphere of genteel relaxation. Those who chose to remain dressed down were, in the most part, courteous enough to remove to other parts of the ship.

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