Tuesday, February 26, 2013

At Sea off North Coast of Brazil's horn

Day 51

Another day at sea which is most welcome. The sea is choppy but is following us so the motion of the ship is easy. We are past the horn of Brazil and heading Northwesterly off the coast for the Pará River.
Our Captain has advised us that tonight at about 2015 hours we should meet the estuary of the Pará river and notice a change of water color. The ship will have to cross a sand bar which we will cross at 19 knots at highest tide. We should expect some vibration caused by the resonance of the waters thrust by our propellers between sea/river bottom and the ship's bottom. Once inside the channel, we will slow to about 12 knots and proceed up river, much like the approach into Buenas Aires.

The company hosted a reception and lunch for the frequent-floaters passengers. Everyone who has attained a certain level of spending, er, days, on the line is presented with a medal and gets a photo taken with the Captain and the Hotel Manager. After a hundred or so people were so recognized, the free chanpagne consumed, the herd rumbled aft to the dining room for a limited menu brunch. One more speech and the feeding began.

Dinner was in the Pinnacle tonight for steak, crisp salads and excellent service. We have excellent service as well in the main dining room but the food there is plain.

A quiet evening at sea and the anticipated vibration crossing the bar was not felt. Once in the river channel we slowed, as predicted, and the ship so quiet she felt as if at anchor.

1400 report: 00° 56.63'S and 044°41.08'W. (Yup, just below the Equator.) Depth 30m, Sea 2, Course 305°. Speek 19.8 knots, Water and air 28c, 82F. (I still don't believe this.) Wind E 17k (5), Humidity 72%. Distance of voyage 13,233, Noon to 1400 418 nm. Sunrise 0607, sunset 1815.

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