Monday, February 25, 2013

Fortaleza, Brazil

Day 50
Fortaleza, Brazil

Coming toward Fortaleza this morning we could first pick out the high rise hotels and apartments. That indicates a city of size, which is correct as this city has a population of some 3 million. There is a man made harbor of a couple of breakwaters. We tied up at 0805 port side to the pier, which is our side of the ship. Our view was, well, commercial again. We enjoyed a brief rain shower rinsing the boat just before we left for a day of adventure. This is another working pier but we were at the innermost part so people could walk to the gate, but there was nothing outside to walk to. A shuttle bus was provided for passengers and crew to use to be taken downtown and dropped at the information center, 2 blocks from a market. Not an easy situation if one needed to shop for something and not a convenient port for crew.
view from our deck

Again we opted for a tour of the city to get an overview and maybe see something special. Again the stampede (following line crashers) left us in the back of the bus so I couldn't see or hear much. We caught drive by glimpses of seashore, housing and a few small mom and pop businesses and I was able to pick up now and then some of the info being related by our guide. Fortunately, our guide was very good. This being a Sunday the businesses were closed and many streets empty. A few streets had Sunday market which were filled with people and kiosks.

Our stops for the day included the Catedral Metroplitana, Mercado Central (4 story artisan market), the 102 year old Teatro Jose de Alencar and finally the beach. The beach was not busy, yet but there were many people about. Night time the beachfront is very busy, we were told. The Brazilians love their beaches and they love to party.
East beachfront

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business district & shopping

Catedral (Cathedral)

woman who begs for food $ (?) at Catedral

Sunday street shopping

typical street scene Sunday

homeless here too

Along West beaches & hotel row

Two of our shipmates were mugged in Fortaleza, one was hit and one was held up at knife point. A camera was taken from the first and a wallet from the second.

Back at the ship by 1310 we had had enough and with only 1 hour until the last shuttle and 2 hours before “all aboard” we decided to remain. Fortunately the strike did not resume so we were cast off at 1653. Departure provided those on the port side of the ship the side we are on, with a fine panorama of the city and the beach area.

Noon report: 03° 42.70'S and 038° 28.50'W. Distance traveled 12,816. Noon to noon 316nm. Wind 22k. (6). Humidity 72% (This is remaining the same so I suspect this data as well as sea and air temp.) Sunrise 0541. Sunset 1752.

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